Have you received income or gifted items from your content and have no idea what to do next?
I understand the world of accounting when it comes to influencer marketing and content creation and I can guide you through without all of the googling and never ending stress.
Working out if ignoring those gifted items in terms of tax is the right thing to do (FYI it’s not) - read my guide for more information
How do you register as self employed and where do you start?
What about VAT and tax?
This free guide will help you understand exactly what steps you should be taking and what you can do to stay above the law. Remember it is much easier to get this right from the start than it is to fix it later on!
Get your FREE guide now
Hi, I am Leanne, and I have a confession to make…
I’m an accountant.
I know. It’s almost like I am confessing to a crime. Yes, I saw your eyes glaze over and a dull look fill your face, even a little sigh (it happens all the time). I get it, honestly I do. Accountants of old do not come with a great reputation. If you say accountant people automatically think of someone with no personality who gets excited over a new tax notification.
Luckily for you, I do things differently.
Luckily for you, I am your Profit Hero!
I come to the aid of small businesses to help them to maximise their profits and rescue them from those little brown envelopes.